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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Character Counts


I am so excited to share with you about a new Website/App which was introduced to me.  It is called Character Counts.  

I have always used the website Character Counts for their Six Pillars of Character with my students. I recently just used it with my 5th-grade students on their Martin Luther King, Jr. Project where we discussed the six pillars and then I had the students pick two of those pillars and explain how Martin Luther King, Jr represented those characteristics. 

Great Features about Website and App for Teachers:
  • Great Dashboard with a daily quote and daily inspiration.
  • Leveled for K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
  • Always includes a daily lesson focused on a character.
  • You can create classrooms for your students.
  • There are a ton of resources.
  • Finally, you can choose the order of the Characters and the month they are presented according to your curriculum.
What I am looking forward to in the future:
  • Students having the ability to access the app.
  • The ability for Added Value Teachers or any teacher to access multiple grade levels easily.
I highly recommend you take some time and check out this app, you definitely will not be sorry you did!