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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Students Being Teachers

I was thinking about my blog Thursday and had it planned out in my head….UNTIL…I had such a great co-teaching moment Friday! Our Spanish teacher came to me earlier in the week and told me that the third grade was learning about animals in Spanish and she wanted them to “create” something on the computer. We really didn’t have time to talk about ideas but knew that it would not be a problem.

On Friday, we had both third grades at the same time. Our computer lab does not have enough computers for two classes, however, one class brought their netbooks and they sat at tables in the back of the room.

We decided that using PowerPoint would be the easiest way to create the project. The student had to find a piece of clipart of their animal, write their animal in Spanish, write three sentences about their animals in Spanish, and then they would print their project.

The amazing moment came when the students were showing each other ways to design their PowerPoint by adding a background, changing font, or playing with the picture. It was so much fun to watch the students teach each other. It truly was a moment where the students became the teachers and the teachers were the facilitators. What a wonderful lesson!

Here are some examples of their work:

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